Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Experience

Heard a lot about this blogging idea. Many great articles refer to their blog. That interests me. I enjoy meeting new people and sharing views on a wide variety of topics. I have been a Detroit Red Wing fan all my life. I enjoy reading all the posts from fans who are lucky enough to live in an area that allows them to attend games.

CFL football is a hot topic for me as my favorite team the Saskatchewan Rough Riders won the Grey Cup this year. As a reward our coach got a great offer to coach his old Univ team "Old M".

I am a retired school teacher who bought a teacher toy store for a retirement hobby. It has turned out to be great for me. I loved coaching when I was a teacher. Trying to figure out what the customers will buy is just like making up a game plan...How can we defeat this team..what should I bring in that the public will buy!!! It is a real fun game to play! Love researching ideas on promotions/advertising schemes to attract the buyer... Being sure whatever we sell is top quality so the buyer is always getting their money's worth.

Added to this fun is a medical condition that I need to balance into my life style. I have had 2 by-pass operations and still have blocked arteries....I read ways to live a healthy life..Just been reading about oral cheltion. The description of what it can do is just what I need but heart experts say it just doesn't work. So that would be a good topic for a discussion.

Anyone with any experiences with any of my topics I'd love to hear from you.